You Asked and We're Answering! How to keep guests from eating all the desserts before you even see them!

Today I’m answering a question that I get asked a lot- How can I keep guests from eating my desserts before we see the dessert table?

I get it. You spend so much time planning your wedding (or event) and on the actual day you don’t even get to savor all of the moments that you created. 

I remember at my own wedding, the day flew by. Jon and I had our favorite food (tacos) which our planner made sure we each had a plate of; but we never finished the plates because guests kept coming to talk, take pictures, handing us drinks, etc. When it was time for desserts, people raced to our dessert table and I remember we had one cookie a piece; which was disappointing, because we asked a baker friend to make her amazing oreo/ cookies and cream cookies. Now of course, this didn’t take away from the fact that we had the BEST wedding day, but having a moment to savor all of the details and maybe a little care package of tacos and cookies for later would have really been clutch. Now as a cake artist who services weddings, my goal is to help you avoid some of that fomo. Here are my top tips for keeping guests from ravishing the dessert table and making sure you get some too.

  1. Have Your DJ/ MC Make Announcements Throughout the Night.

I think this is the easiest way; ask your DJ to tell and remind your guests to wait until you cut the cake or they announce it’s time for dessert. This means you’ll see the dessert table the way you and your cake artist dreamed it up before everyone’s hands touch it. While this is the easiest option, guests are not always listening to the announcements made at the wedding, so several announcements, especially at the start of cocktail hour or dinner are necessary.

2. Do a Reception Room Reveal

 If your cocktail hour is in a different place than your reception, consider a room reveal. While the guests are enjoying cocktail hour, you and your love can steal away for a moment to check out the reception room where your desserts are set up and take it all in. Be advised, if you want to do this, talk about this with your planner so they can inform all the other vendors that set up needs to be completed by a certain time so the room is ready for you. I really like this idea, because it gives you and your new spouse a moment away to slow down, take a breath and enjoy this moment with each other.

3. Signs, Signs Signs

Ask your planner or cake artist if they can help you with some signs for the dessert table! Having a few signs that ask guests not to partake in the desserts until a certain time can be a great and low key way to inform them of your decision.  It also serves as a reminder to guests who may not have heard the announcement from the DJ, or may need to be reminded a few times because they can’t resist.

4. Hall (Dessert) Monitor

I know some cake artist do this, but you could also ask a trusted friend to watch your table and help remind guests not to touch the desserts. This isn’t my favorite option because you need someone to physically watch the desserts until you want them served, however it is effective to have someone telling the guests to wait. And while it’s not my favorite option it is definitely effective! Make sure to chat with your planer about the logistics of this and if they have a recommendation for a person who would be best for this job if you need help picking or asking someone

5. Have Your Cake Artist Make a Take Home Box

At first I only did this for weddings where the couple expressed that they would love to have some dessert for later to enjoy. I saw how much it meant to the couples to know there were desserts just for them, so I decided to do it for all my couples going forward. who have a dessert table. It’s such a good idea because it also means your guests can freely enjoy your dessert table while you know you’ve got your own personal dessert box waiting for you.

6. Power Combo

If I’ve learned anything from being a teacher and a cake artist is that people often do opposite of what you tell them (folks don’t listen 🤷🏽‍♀️) To be most effective, I suggest you do a few of these: for example- Have the DJ make announcements, make some signs, and make sure you get a dessert box. This way it will be top of mind for your guests and you still have desserts going straight home with you.

Most importantly remember, you can’t control everyone and everything at the wedding. I’ve been to many weddings that are now hilarious stories because people are gonna people. Plan that perfect day and remember that whatever happens could become the funny story you remember with friends and family and that you tell your kids.

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